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Migraine , a severe disadvantage and family

The entourage of migraine is well beyond what they imagine , strongly affected by the crises of the sick, shows a French study on migraine which gives a new dimension to this disease as a severe social and family disability .
At the request of the Club and Migraine Headache, the polling institute BVA interviewed 306 people prone to migraines , and 150 relatives, between January and February , the impact of the disease on their lives , their relationships with their spouse with their children, said Gael Sliman , deputy director of BVA Opinion pole and Director of Health department , during a press conference.

Migraine and close its unanimous migraine impairs the quality of life of patients , disrupting all their daily activities, especially those that require a certain concentration ( working , reading, homework help for children).

Nearly half of migraine (49%) and relatives (43 %) believe that migraine is also a nuisance that affects their life together , making patients less able to communicate with their partner, to spend time with him ( it ) and have intimate relations.

However, the discomfort is felt all the more strongly by the patient as his ( her ) partner. This is especially true with regard to the feeling of being less concerned with what happens at home or in the professional life of his ( her ) partner.

Same conclusion regarding the relationship of migraine with their children , often better (less bad? ) Perceived by them as by the patients themselves . Nearly half of the patients feel themselves hampered in their relationships with their children during migraine attacks , so they are only four out of ten children to complain .

Nearly nine out of ten migraine feel less able to communicate with their children , more than eight in ten are less able to spend time with them and six in ten admit to being more likely to quarrel. Half says less concerned that children are at home and their school work.

In turn , the family feel less severe migraine , they are respectively 64 %, 60 % and 51 % think like them in the first three points. Regarding the slightest interest in migraine for what their children are doing , they are only one-third have that feeling .

Only a quarter of migraineurs whose attacks occur for the majority of them more than once a month , feel included and 18% supported by their families in crisis . However, they believe that their loved ones consider migraine as a disease (45.8%) , which is hereditary ( 31%). Only one fifth guess relatives are fatalistic .

Migraineurs are confident about them and think that the solution will come from a specific treatment and / or new (51.4%) . They regularly informed about it ( 72%). The idea is to assign their relatives elsewhere, for the vast majority of them , a sufficient reason for better care .


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →