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Snacking , a trend confirmed

Once limited to some variety of products and of poor nutritional quality, snacking today for a wide range of foods and more responsive to the demand for quality and diversity of the consumer.
Suitable for a quick lunch break
The term " snacking " is generally considered any product that does not require consumer table. It can be taken as well outside of regular meals or replace .

Apart from the timeless sandwich (base all snackers ) , the flagship products are dairy products (38%) , salty snack foods (15 %) and pastries (11%) and some salad bars cereals, soups, pies and sweet and ethnic specialties (tapas , spring rolls ) .

In 2005, 60 % of workers employed in a municipality other than their place of residence. The lunch break is spent in five years 1:22 to 38 minutes. This explains the popularity of this new mode of consumption . France has also become the third largest European consumer snacking , behind Germany and yet far enough from Britain which consumes 2.5 times more than us.

Some illustrative figures for France :
- 9.1 kg of snacking products consumed per capita per year
- 1.5 million sandwiches consumed each day
- 75 % of Parisians eat a sandwich at lunchtime .

The main focus of development lies in a balanced diet and light products : 42% of consumers believe that eating is an act of health. However, the French are very traditional : 60% of sandwiches are made ​​from traditional baguette .

A tendency to integrate into the supply
Previously associated with a sense of total imbalance of calories and nutrients , today's snacks have adapted to the latest official nutritional recommendations.

It is the arrival of snacking "intelligent" , which falls more often in the context of a balanced meal . Thus we find different breads (complete , sesame, polar ) and food composition ( crayfish , smoked salmon ), which allow these " improved snacks " to be called " nutritionally correct " by health professionals .

Snacks to avoid are those composed of a fatty food ( meat , fatty meat , fried ) , associated with an excessive amount of sauce and a sweet soda.

New habits of French are therefore in a strong tendency to " snacking " . Indeed, it is one of four meals in the workplace , one of three in the leisure and 1 of 2 in travel. Moreover , the phenomenon extends to all times of the day and joins the new culinary trends such as brunch, dinner aperitif , or foreign flavors.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →