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Smokers and especially smokers say willingly quitting makes you fat.
It is true that quitting smoking can lead to weight gain, for the following reasons:
First, the nicotine in tobacco causes a decrease in appetite and some disgust vis-à-vis the most solid food is often reflected in the habit of smoking.
In addition, tobacco consumption, real thermogenic stimulus, increases energy expenditure: nicotine stimulates the metabolism, not only the basal metabolism, but also postprandial thermogenesis (after meals).
It also increases the energy cost very much an effort, even moderate.
This can result in increased food intake and decreased energy expenditure could lead to a weight gain of several pounds within a few months of smoking cessation.
What to do?
It's very simple and it requires very little effort:
- It starts with a little increase physical activity, walking, tennis, jogging, cycling, etc. ..,
- Must be reduced food intake, especially fats,
- Must therefore avoid the butter, oil, fat cheese, no snacking between meals, take skim milk,
- Avoid almonds and dried fruit, that is to say all the hidden calories
- Do not absorb sugary drinks, lemonades type Schweppes, Coca-Cola.
Do not believe that weight gain is inevitable if you follow what is said above.
There is no physiological reason for weight gain in smoking cessation
This decision is especially recommended because you never repeat it enough that tobacco is:
- A major risk factor in cancer (lung, bladder, stomach) in cardiovascular disease (angina pectoris, arteritis, myocardial infarction)
- An aggravating factor in chronic respiratory disease (chronic bronchitis, emphysema).
The most spectacular sequel and best known is the chronic cough that is apannage the most inveterate smokers.
Sport, practiced in moderation, when you stop smoking is a powerful stimulant and an effective motivation for the former smoker who quickly found a dramatic increase in performance due to respiratory improvement, a significant decrease in shortness of breath , let alone stop coughing


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →