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Smoking cessation reduces the risk of developing several diseases. It is based on the duration of smoking and motivation to stop smoking.
Weaning methods and require more preparation and awareness vis-à-vis the topic: motivational interviewing, assessment of the state of dependence (Fagerstrom test) and nutritional status of the subject.
Weaning is a set of methods to quit smoking and to fight the psychological, physical and behavioral dependence on nicotine.
The signs of withdrawal are mainly irritability, depression, difficulty concentrating, sleep disturbances, catch weight by increasing appetite.
Other signs are fickle as tremors, pain in the stomach and headaches.
NRT are mainly used to replace the usual intake of nicotine in the subject to reduce the signs of withdrawal.
There are several forms of nicotine replacements.
Drug treatments
The anti-smoking drugs require medical advice before use.
During smoking cessation, psychosocial support is a cornerstone in the success of treatment undertaken. The cognitive-behavioral approach is the best accompaniment recommended by psychologists.
The approach can be done individually or in groups.
The sport is also an adjunct to treatment in a smoking cessation. Indeed, in a dependence on tobacco, carbon monoxide prevents the flow of oxygen throughout the body and weakens several organs.
Exercise maintains good heart function during stress and better breathing capacity.
Alternative methods
Alternative therapeutic methods is essentially to maintain abstinence smoking and reinforces the assumption of about smoking.
The most commonly used methods are:
- The hypno therapy to reduce the urge to smoke.
- Homeopathy using homeopathic products to combat addiction.
- Acupuncture applying traditional Chinese therapies on the principle meridians.

- The réflexothérapies with the placement of needles at very specific areas of the body.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →