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Evaluate your state tobacco dependence

The Fagerström test is a test to evaluate the dependence of an individual tobacco.
The scores are shown in brackets.
Testing. Submit Answers
Total the scores and find the dependence score.
The Fagerström test
How much time is there between you wake in the morning and use the first cigarette?
• Less than or equal to 5 minutes (3)
• 6-30 minutes (2)
• 31-60 minute (1)
• More than 60 minutes (0)
Do you have difficulties to abstain in places where smoking is prohibited?
• Yes (1)
• No (0)
In one day, you find it difficult to give
• At the first cigarette of the day (1)
• On any other day (0)
In one day, the average number of cigarettes you smoke is
• Less than or equal to 10 (0)
• From 11 to 20 (1)
• From 21 to 30 (2)
• More than 31 (3)
Smoking with the same pace intervals in the morning after waking up throughout the day?
• Yes (1)
• No (0)
Smoking despite an illness that requires you to stay in bed all day?
• Yes (1)
• No (0)
Here are the interpretations of scores of dependency:
Score between 0-2: you do not have a dependency or have a very low level of nicotine dependence
Score of 3 to 4: You have a low nicotine dependence
Score of 5 6 you have an average nicotine dependence
Score of 7 to 8: you have a strong addiction to nicotine

Score of 9 to 10: you have a very strong addiction to nicotine


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →