For smokers, cigarettes or tobacco
is the only way to manage stress because smoking is for them a source of
relaxation and pleasure.
Psychological dependence is due to
feelings of pleasure and satisfaction provided by the nicotine on the brain.
This phenomenon then leads to increased and sustained by the body from the
effects of tobacco demand. The installation of this psychological dependence is
not the same for all smokers. However, the effect of nicotine on the brain is
faster and the mechanism of addiction can be initiated in the first
Physical dependence
Physical dependence is also due to
the effect of nicotine on the body. The feelings of pleasure, relaxation and
satisfaction stimulate the brain and lead to an increased demand for tobacco.
In the absence of a product or an inadequate dose, the body reacts and several
signs appear. These signs are the "withdrawal syndrome."
mechanism dependence
The installation mechanism of
addiction is following a circuit in the brain's reward system. It is a
biological mechanism involving neurotransmitters secreted by the brain.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →