Tobacco dependence test
A test after Fagerstroëm shows
whether you are dependent vis-à-vis tobacco.
How many cigarettes do you smoke per
day? :
- 15 count 0
- From 15 to 25 "1
- More than 25 "2
Nicotine from your cigarettes:
- Less than 0.8 mg count 0
- 0.8 to 1.5 mg "1
- More than 1.5 "2
You inhale the smoke? :
- Never rely 0
- Sometimes "1
- Always "2
Do you smoke more early in the day?
- Yes count 1
- Not "0
What is the essential cigarette? :
- The first one count
- Later "0
Smoking is sick? :
- Yes count 1
- Not "0
You find it difficult to refrain
from smoking in prohibited places? :
- Yes count 1
- Not "0
0 to 4: you are very dependent
May-June: you are moderately
7 to 8: You are
strongly dependent
9 and above: you are very highly

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →