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Alcoholic cerebellar atrophy

This is a newborn whose birth weight is less than 2500 grams.
Which includes:
- Pregnancies too short
- Abnormal pregnancies that resulted in a delay in fetal development.
In addition to its lower than normal weight:
- The skin is red, spindly limbs, very open fontanelles
- Breathing is rapid and shallow, thus cyanosis (bluish tint) is common
- The abdomen is large, soft
- The fatty subcutaneous tissue missing
- The heart is fast
- There is a tendency to hypothermia (low temperature)
- The chest is narrow and depressed with each breath
- The cry is weak or absent
- Gastric capacity is low
- Liver ensures evil glycogen storage and constant hepatic jaundice resulting immaturity
- The kidney is functionally inadequate and edema occur reflecting the failure
- Neurological immaturity is clear, there is an abnormality of the primitive reflexes, this immaturity is responsible for disturbances of respiratory ventilation, swallowing disorders, absence or poverty of movement and poor temperature regulation
- The vessels are fragile and poor blood clotting exposed to cérabro-meningeal hemorrhage in particular.
- Can not be conceived in a specialized environment
- You have an aseptic environment at a constant temperature, constant oxygenation and monitored
- Need one for her digestive immaturity, ten to twelve meals a day, by gastric gavage in general and preferably with breast milk supply that will supplement of vitamins C, D and K
- It will monitor biological parameters: blood glucose (sugar dosage in the blood), free bilirubin, chlorine, sodium, potassium, calcium, blood pH, blood pressure, oxygen and carbon dioxide.
This particular watch is in an incubator where care is performed in a sterile manner, through windows formed on the transparent walls of the incubator.
Many alarms are connected to check heart function, breathing newborn and check oxygenation, humidification and temperature prevailing inside the incubator.
It depends on the weight and the cause of prematurity.

However, often around the age of two years, nothing distinguishes a premature a topic that has not been.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →