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Air travel possible disorders

es air travel for people over fifty years of age with chronic venous insufficiency (known or unknown) are sometimes a source of PULMONARY EMBOLISM when these trips are long and especially after a stay in tropical countries.
This is because when a flight longer than six hours, the uncomfortable conditions, particularly in economy class, because the cramped spaces flight is responsible for prolonged compression and lower abdominal members immobility.
Patients at risk are:
-The subjects over 65 years
-Those who have been victims of recent trauma or have undergone surgery;
- Women who take estrogen pill.
- Pregnant women
- The patient with hematologic or coagulation disorders
- Heavy smokers.
In addition, the state of dehydration in flight due to the low humidity of the air is a predisposing factor, and the absorption of alcohol which promotes the dehydration.
ACTIVE OR PASSIVE SMOKING has a significant effect on blood viscosity.
Pressurization, which corresponds to an altitude of 1600-2000 meters promotes hypercoagulable by increasing platelet aggregation and increased blood fibrinogen.
He should not cross your legs.
-During the flight, voluntarily contract the muscles of the calves and thighs.
Stir-toes (flexion, extension).
-Mobilize frequently in his seat.
-Avoid smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.
-Try to go to the bathroom two or three times during the flight (it makes a little walking).
To arrival, if possible, take a cold shower and lie down with the legs elevated 40 cm, for half an hour.
-Heparinization with subcutaneous low molecular weight heparin (Fragmin, Fraxiparin, for example) can be offered to people at high risk.
- Among people over 50, who have not had phlebitis or large varices, treatment veinotonic to begin three days before departure and up to eight days after the arrival is recommended
- If the traveler has large varicose veins in the leg, or if he had phlebitis there is more than one year, wearing a restraint class II type is recommended. (Pantyhose are better than socks).
-If phlebitis can be noted for less than a year, it is preferable to use a type III containment or by a blood heparin, low molecular weight heparins.

- Thrombosis of less than three months against-shows air travel as well as the inability to control anticoagulant therapy previously prescribed.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →