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Myocardial wife and tobacco

The action of smoking on gynecological cancers, pregnancy and menopause is less known than the dangers of tobacco-pill combination.
After 35, 40 years, COCs should not be prescribed to women who smoke, because of fatal cardiovascular risk.
There is more of coronary problems in women who smoke, especially if they take the pill more.
There is even the appearance of myocardial infarction in women under 40 years. These infarctions occur most often at rest or after coronary events premonitory or immediately without any predictive sign.
Coronary angiography usually shows a significant narrowing of a coronary artery.
Recall that tobacco has a triple action on the coronary:
- Accelerated atherogenesis (the ATHEROMA, qv, was formed faster)
- Trigger coronary spasm,
- Increased risk of thrombosis (clot formation).
In the case of myocardial infarction in women under 40 years old, found in 90% of the tobacco + pill combination.
This kind of condition has a poor prognostic factor in young women because mortality is higher than in men.
On the other hand, you should know that cotinémie tobacco which is concentrated in the cervical mucus (cervical) removes local immunity and increases the risk of cervical cancer, especially in cases of superinfection PAPILLOMAVIRUS.
The increase in the frequency of breast cancer is also very clear.
The woman's fertility decreases disorders ovular migration.
It will never be said enough that any infertility treatment must begin with stopping smoking.
It is noted in smokers of menstrual disorders (excessive menstrual bleeding, irregular cycles, heavy losses outside the rules).
The migration of the egg in the fallopian tube favors more risk EXTRA UTERINE PREGNANCY.
Tobacco causes hypotrophy of the fetus (see TOBACCO SMOKE and). This small fetal weight (less than 200 to 300 g on average) is due to poor oxygenation of the fetus and zinc deficiency (cadmium in tobacco smoke captures the zinc in the placenta).
Perinatal death (in the first weeks of the baby) is increased by 25% in women who smoke a pack a day and 50% more if they smoke.
Bleeding during childbirth are more frequent.
Among smokers, the menopause occurs earlier (about two years) due to the anti-estrogen tobacco which not only reduces the production of female hormones but promotes the production of male hormones effect.
Therefore, osteoporosis is more common in smokers (see MENOPAUSE AND OSTEOPOROSIS), especially since tobacco is toxic to osteoblasts (bone cells producing bone).

Finally, it should be noted that smoking accelerates aging of the skin (see RIDES) and the woman who smokes is at forty to look ten or twenty more, especially if it is exposed to sunlight so inconsiderate (see MELANOMA).


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →