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A person with borderline personality disorder oscillates between adult behavior and behavior that seems childish.
Suddenly the person is angry or starts crying for no apparent reason, as a child.
In reality this disorder is a disorder of emotion.
These people tend to react more intensely than others for a much lower stress level.
It is therefore an emotional dysregulation or arousal.
These people often have relationship problems, they can not manage their emotions, they change the mood and often very quickly, they are often anxious, they think everything is good or everything is bad without compromise, they often have the feeling of be victims, they are often depressed, they have fear of abandonment, self-image is unstable.
They often impulsive behavior sometimes risks (bulimia, safer sex, anorexia, uncontrolled spending, alcoholism, drugs, drug abuse).
They sometimes make suicide attempts or self-harm.
The lives of these people is often a living hell.

Psychotherapy is often necessary.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →