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Tobacco abrupt

Abrupt cessation often causes problems (including anxiety), which lead the "sick" to overeating compensation (snacks). These have the effect of weight gain (see TOBACCO (weight gain in the judgment)).
Smoking cessation causes severe nervousness and often behavioral problems that can have serious consequences, even in the workplace. Insomnia or nuisance alarm may occur.
The patient may have tremors, palpitations, nausea same may occur.
We can only encourage people who have decided to stop smoking in their determination.
We must try to help them to avoid anxiety-depressive syndrome that can emerge: memory loss, anxiety, insomnia, and even aggression. It appears that buspirone (Buspar) can be a great help in those cases where stopping smoking causes such disorders.
It is best to quit smoking completely changing their habits, that is to say, the best time is the start of the holiday where professionals usual gestures will not be the usual gestures unconsciously incentives related to tobacco.
The crash, in addition PATCHES ANTI TOBACCO necessary, may be accompanied by taking Buspirone (Buspar) at half a tablet before 3 meals for ten days, then one tablet before meals during the three 20 days following.
It should be noted that the installation of anti-smoking patch must stop smoking completely, because otherwise the dose of nicotine is likely to be toxic, with serious disadvantages that entails.

The possible weight gain smoking cessation can easily be countered by a healthy lifestyle and sometimes with the help of a dietician.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →