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Mobilization of health professionals

This campaign has allowed Berruyers to their breath measured by health professionals trained for this purpose, said the president of the Society of French Speaking Pneumology (SPLF), one of the organizations who participated in the organization of this event.
Program included Operation Breath including animations in various public places (markets, shopping centers, administration), where 76 students in the third year of nursing, supervised by school doctors have assured screening. In addition, 109 GPs, 10 pulmonologists and 21 occupational physicians took part in the campaign for their firms, while 46 pharmacists and 70 physiotherapists relayed the information.

All health professionals participants first completed two training sessions in the handling and use of medical measuring device chosen for this campaign breath, said Dr. Jacques Degand, President of the County Council of the College of Physicians Cher.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →