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To assess their respiratory capital, Berruyers interested first filled out a short questionnaire. They will then simply blowing into a small electronic device with a disposable tip to avoid contamination by conducting a "forced expiratory maneuver."
Persons for whom the results of this test showed bronchial obstruction see then submit a second questionnaire, more detailed, they must submit the lung they consult to undergo further tests to identify the offending pathology, explained Professor Bruno Housset.
The goal is not "to carry out an epidemiological study, but we hope to blow up people in Bourges," he said. Through this project, the aim is rather to "raise public awareness on the importance of its capital breath and detect those who suffer from respiratory abnormalities."
A particularly important issue as asthma and COPD are two potentially serious and especially under-diagnosed common disease, he insisted, recalling that two and two asthmatic people with COPD in three unaware of their condition.
"This pilot scale of a small town helped us come up with ideas to implement actions for early diagnosis and prevention," said Dr. Lydia Valdes, the Directorate General of Health (DGS), which financial support for this operation.
Operation Blast was organized by the Collective Breath, which includes five groups of patients and doctors (Allergy and Asthma Association, COPD Association, National Committee against respiratory diseases or CNMR, French Federation of Associations and friendly to respiratory failure or FFAAIR and Respiratory Society of SPLF or French language).
This screening campaign has also received support from four pharmaceutical companies, and was particularly supported by the County Council of the College of Physicians of Cher, the Regional Council of the Order of Pharmacists Centre and Physiotherapy Association Objective .


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →