Edition: a guide to living well in the first year of baby
Available in bookstores, "The guide of the baby. Though accompany baby 0-1 year", proposes to simply and clearly answer the many questions posed by young parents.
"We hear all too often and its opposite," including "daily on subjects as the sterilizing bottles, the use of tap water, the baby to sleep with you", but also on drugs or systematic fluoride intake, the authors deplore the introduction of this work, and Dr. Pierre Bernard Perbos Topuz, specialists in maternal and child health.
They therefore wanted to provide "benchmarks" to help young parents "to position itself in the first year of their child's life," bringing together "the most objective advice and the most rigorous possible [...] in the light of the best controlled "knowledge and the latest professional early childhood reflections.
The first part of this guide outlines the main steps in the first year of the child, while the following chapters explore themes covered not only the medical register, but also psychological and educational aspects.
Food, sleep, emotional, gestures prevention and first aid, or legal proceedings: as much information covered in this book, which ends with a list of useful addresses and an index to quickly locate specific information.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →