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Be fasting it would affect a hiatal hernia?

When disease causes us stress and frustration, we tend not to distinguish between good and bad actions to be undertaken to better care. Besides all the tips spread by our surroundings, we sometimes forget some important details that the doctor stops we make.
Hiatal hernia is the abnormal movement of a portion of the esophagus and / or part of the stomach through the hiatus of the diaphragm (esophageal orifice located on the diaphragm). It is common in people over 50 years.
The exact causes of the disease remain unknown. However, a strong prolonged abdominal pressure is an important factor to know risk:
- Stresses caused by chronic cough, vomiting, chronic constipation, heavy lifting on a frequent basis,
- Pregnancy
- Obesity,
- Muscular birth defect causing a weakening of the diaphragm wall
The constant sign found in people with a hiatal hernia is the burning of the stomach secondary to the effect of the acid content of the gastric juice. So in addition, during a hiatal hernia, the stomach does not have the ability to protect themselves against the acidity produced.
Other signs may also be present as frequent regurgitation, permanent feeling bitter, irritant cough, vomiting, dysphagia, ...
The treatment of hiatal hernia is based on respect for the lifestyle, diet and medication primarily prescribed by the doctor. Surgery is often recommended as a last resort.
Following the knowledge of these signs, the primary aim of treatment is to prevent gastroesophageal reflux. To do this, the power mode is very important. Thus, it is advisable
- Avoid irritating foods such as soft drinks, spices, coffee, acidic foods (vinegar, sour fruits, ...) and encourage light meals and low fat will be easier to digest
- Promote a split and divided into several smaller doses during the day meals to avoid excess
- Avoid leaning forward position
- To monitor his weight
- To raise the upper body during sleep
- To stop tobacco and alcohol
- Avoid lying directly after meals
- To drink regularly but avoid drinking during meals
- Avoid wearing tight clothing or belts
- To manage stress (relaxation, acupuncture, yoga, ...)
A second important goal of treatment of hiatal hernia is to preserve the esophageal and gastric mucosal irritation caused by stomach acid.
Gastric acid is a component of gastric juice which largely involved in the digestion of food reached the stomach (destruction of bacteria, protein degradation, ...). It is directly secreted by the parietal cells of the stomach and its concentration varies according to the time interval between meals. The more the individual is fasting, its concentration increases more and tends to irritate the stomach lining.
So this leads us to understand that prolonged fasting increases stomach acid and increases hiatal hernia thus promoting a progressive destruction of the gastric wall (and the esophageal wall when reflux). Fasting is strictly realized in a drug taken, or when further examination, according to the indications and preparations recommended by the doctor.
Moreover, certain substances such as alcohol or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are also prohibited if hiatal hernia to avoid this complication. Several medications may be prescribed to reduce the doctor that gastric acidity.
The existence of gastro-oesophageal reflux associated with high gastric acidity is an important element of gravity of the hiatal hernia. Prolonged fasting and non-compliance with diet and of feeding aggravates this sign and the evolution of hiatal hernia.
To go further

Hiatal hernia


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →
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