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Addiction prevention

Addictions have adverse health consequences. They affect the proper functioning of the body and then cause disturbances in several processes including brain function.
However, symptoms vary depending on the type of addiction (addiction to tobacco, alcohol addiction, gambling addiction, ....).
Consequences of addiction
All addictions have repercussions on both the health of the social life of the subject.
Generally, addictions often lead to shame, lies, neglect, aggressiveness, isolation, obsession, loss of control, lack of self-esteem, anxiety and suffering.
Several diseases and complications in the body can also occur as a result of dependence, but vary depending on the type of product or creating behavioral addiction.
Addiction prevention
Addiction prevention involves primarily the individual and requires a balanced life:
- On the social level: conflict management, dealing with the emotional problems
- On a professional level: foreclosure professional overwork, time management and labor
- Biologically: follow a healthy diet, follow the rhythm of sleep, practice exercise, crowding stress.
The prevention of addiction also involves socio-political public health intervention.
It should focus on:
- Monitoring the health of the general population
- Monitoring the quality of life of the population census of the sick, dependent persons, persons with disabilities
- Information and health education of the population (of forums, debates, workshops, programs in the media, ...)
- Identification and monitoring of risk factors related to addiction (environmental factors, working conditions, ...)
- Improved system and health care for effective prevention and treatment of addictions (training of health personnel, ease of access to care centers addictions, good management of addiction in schools health and health centers,
- Deepening of knowledge and research on addictions in order to better prevent and provide adequate and appropriate treatment for addicts.
- Application of laws concerning the consumption of psychoactive products assets

Prevention methods vary for each region and each country, depending on the type of population and location. But generally, prevention programs are based on communication for behavior change. Several centers or associations with specialized health personnel currently working in the management of addiction.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →