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Addictions in figures

It is estimated that 90% of people are victims of any addiction.
This can range from a simple to a complete addiction habit with adverse physical and psychological consequences.
In France and in other European countries, addictions today is a public health problem. Addictions are harmful to the addict but also about have consequences for those around him.
Generally, these are men who are more affected than women, most addictions. Dependence is common between ages 15 and 25 because the behavior of adolescents and young adults makes the risk of addiction from the first experiments with substances or activity.
Alcohol and drugs are the most consumed. Currently, 35% of young people under 17 already use alcohol or cannabis, and one teenager in five takes cannabis more than 10 times a year.
In addition, between 1.5 million and 2 million people are addicted to alcohol in France with an average consumption of 19 liters per person per year for over 15 years.

According to the French Ministry of Health, dependence on psychoactive substances causes over 100 000 deaths from accidents and diseases in France and is responsible for 30% of deaths before age 65.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →