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Support for addiction

It is necessary to assess the level of dependence before starting any treatment.
According to several associations and centers of care for addictions, before any treatment, must be able to recognize his addiction problem and talk openly to the doctor, a trusted person or groups of people who can provide assistance.
Psychosocial care
This psychosocial support is important and is often undertaken by health centers (doctors, social workers and specialists). They can be made, as appropriate, in the form of individual interviews or group therapy (family, friends, children, spouse, other patients).
The group therapy are frequently companies because the notion of a group is an important motivating factor facilitating communication between the subject and the other, helping to treatment.
In psychosocial care, treatment is mainly focused on the motivation for abstinence, and awareness of the subject of the consequences of addiction on him and his entourage.
Several associations and specialized care centers currently operating in the field of addiction to support the addiction disorders dependent subjects.
Therapeutic management
Drug treatments are generally used in addition to psychosocial care.

  The medications vary depending on the type of addiction and are prescribed only by a doctor's care center or an addiction psychiatrist.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →