Congenital malformation of the upper
lip, usually in the form of slot may be accompanied by malformations of the
palate (the palace).
This defect can be in various forms,
plain or bilateral.
Surgical treatment is generally not
before the age of six months for the lip, a little later (18 months) for cleft
palate if it exists.
Monitoring of the child must be
strict to undertake an early speech therapy if necessary and possibly consider installing
a dental prosthesis.
A study by the National Center for
Health Statistics. American has highlighted a link between maternal smoking
during pregnancy and the occurrence of beaks hares.
Even if a light smoking is not free
of risks, the malformation seems to be all the more important that smoking is
In addition, some familial forms of
cleft lip is caused by a genetic defect on the CHROMOSOME 1 (1q32-q41).

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →