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. Alcoholism: National Outreach device RPIB

Smoking is excessive consumption of tobacco in a state of dependence on this product yet.
Facts and figures
In 2009, passive smoking has led to nearly 600,000 deaths worldwide * 70% in developing countries (WHO).
Smoking is an addiction that currently poses a major public health problem because of the dangers of tobacco components provide both the smoker and those around him.
France has more than 14 million smokers, people with a high proportion of women than men (WHO INPES). Smoking is one of the main causes of death in France.
* Sources: Who report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2009
The main components of tobacco
Psycho active substance (which target the brain) that cause addiction. Stimulates the body by increasing the secretion of adrenaline inducing pleasure and relaxation
Effects on the body
Decreases appetite
Increases in blood pressure
Increases heart rate
Leads to a strong increase of adrenaline

Highly carcinogenic components that are released when tobacco is burned
Tar (benzene, hydrocarbons ...)
Effects on the body
Stick in the oral mucosa, and bronchial mucosa

Carbon monoxide (CO): substance also contained in tobacco smoke (the same product in the car exhaust).
Effects on the body
Decreases the supply of oxygen in the blood and causes shortness of breath (due to asphyxiation or hypoxia) and a greater risk of cardiovascular disease

Many other irritating and toxic
Effects on the body
Increases the harmful effects of nicotine on health
Gives an effect of dependence
Arsenic, hydrogen cyanide:
Effects on the body
A toxic effects on the liver
Effects on the body
A toxic effects to the nervous system
Toluene, nitric acid, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen cyanide, phenols:
Effects on the body
Irritates the nasal passages, mouth, pharynx, larynx and bronchi, and several other organs.
Formaldehyde, Polonium 210, Naphthalene, DDT, cadmium, Nitrosonomicotine:
Effects on the body
Are all products that cause cancer, they are hardly eliminated by the body
And flavorings or additives
Honey, spices, licorice, sugar, glycerol, menthol, glycerin, vanillin, etc.. :
Effects on the body
Give taste

Dependence resulting


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →