Alcoholism: National Outreach device RPIB
the Ministry of Health issued a circular to promote national
distribution of the device Early identification and brief intervention (RPIB)
in the treatment of excessive alcohol abuse in general practice, it has been
learned during the Day meeting of addiction networks, held at the Ministry of
Health by the French Society of Alcoholism (SFA).
Support for alcoholics
This device RPIB already experienced in many areas, is a tool for
general practitioners in the treatment of excessive drinkers to reduce their
alcohol consumption.
The Ministry of Health plans to expand the program at the national level
and a circular was issued to describe the strategy indicating the methods and
notifying endowments dedicated to this activity, it was learned from the Branch
Health (DGS).
"The scheme provides a national distribution over five years,
driven by the DGS and relayed by the Regional Directorates of Health and Social
Affairs (Drass)," said at the conference vice president of the National
Association for the Prevention of Alcoholism and addiction (ANPAA), Benoît
For the promotion and monitoring of the dissemination strategy, a
national committee was established by the DGS with its partners
(Interministerial Mission for the Fight against Drugs and Drug Addiction,
Department of hospitalization and the organization of care, national health
insurance fund for salaried workers, College of Physicians, National Institute
for Prevention and Health Education, National Cancer Institute, French
Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT), learned societies,
training organizations , specialized associations and representatives of the
five volunteers Drass regions to engage in Aquitaine, Burgundy, Brittany, and
Champagne-Ardenne Ile-de-France) project.
"The proposed model incorporates the findings of the OFDT and
regional experiences: the dissemination strategy of this method should be based
on a strong legitimation by the state services, a large-scale media and
structuring locally by a broad mobilization of partners (institutions,
networks, training organizations, funders ..). should also set up a steering
committee and a working committee, "said Dr. Benoit Fleury.
A regional methodological guide is proposed, which was used to establish
a coherent dissemination strategy by providing a common reference regions.
Evaluation and monitoring are provided in connection with the OFDT.
A repository for the training of health professionals and is carrying
two working groups of the national committee working on the development of
software tools for use in routine RPIB and implementation of public health
Examples of areas
Dr. Fleury made several experiments conducted in RPIB departments.
In particular, detailed example of Savoie where 29 doctors investigators
(7.9% GPs department) were formed in 2004 and 2005 with this technique. The
participating physicians were compensated through overriding benefits.
In total, 5177 patients were screened, of which 187 children (3% with
misuse of alcohol) and 4,990 patients 18 to 70 years (13% were at risk or
harmful use and 2.5% were alcohol-dependent ). Physician satisfaction was
positive, with 22 of the 29 doctors decided to continue the program.
"These results show that the implementation in routine practice,
and wide early identification and brief intervention is possible. In two and a
half years, a GP can track all of its patient base," said Benoit Fleury.
Following the pilot phase, Savoy began in 2006
RPIB generalized to all GPs in the department

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →