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Methods of smoking cessation

Weaning is a set of methods to quit smoking and combat psychological dependence, physical and
NRT are mainly used to replace the usual intake of nicotine in the subject to reduce the signs of withdrawal.
There are several forms of nicotine replacements.
Chewing gum or chewing gum, lozenges
Action Release of a specific and limited amount of nicotine in the mouth
Indications For subjects who smoke irregularly
Possible Side Effects Dizziness, headache, hiccups, stomach pain, inflammation of the mouth
Patch or patch
Action sticker that sends nicotine through the skin
Indications For regular smokers
Possible side effects insomnia, malaise
Compressed or microtabs
Action tablet placed under the tongue and melts gradually spreading of nicotine in the mouth.
No special indications
Possible side effects Ulcers
Action system used to combat behavioral dependence (the usual gestures) with the release of nicotine vapor.
No special indications
Possible side effects irritation of the mouth and throat
Nasal Spray (under prescription)
Action Liberation of nicotine in the nasal cavity.
Indications For smokers with a state of highly addictive.
Possible side effects irritation of the nasal mucosa and cold
Bupropion (ZybanR)
Reduces the pleasure of smoking by acting on dopamine
Reduces withdrawal syndrome
Limit weight gain
Possible side effects
Dry mouth and throat
Tremors, dizziness and headaches
Stomach pain
Varenicline (ChampixR)
Reduces the withdrawal symptoms because binds to the receptors for nicotine in the brain.
Reduces relapse
Possible side effects
Risk of depression with suicidal ideation
Heart disease

Antidepressants and anxiolytics can be administered in addition to these médicaments.ementale of nicotine.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →