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Methods of smoking cessation

Active smoking is a direct smoking (sniffing) by an individual for causing poisoning his body.
The smoke is inhaled by a non-smoking individual, unintentionally, the smoke generated by an entourage fumeur.Toxicité of passive smoking
When a cigarette is burned, it releases:
the mainstream: it's the smoke inhaled directly by the consumer
a secondary current: the smoke spread in the atmosphere and escaping laterally from the cigarette. This current is rich in carbon monoxide, benzene, nitrosamine and irritants especially ammonia. This then explains the multiplicity caused by passive smoking diseases on the environment of a smoker.
a tertiary power: it is the smoke that the smoker blames his entourage when consumed.
Passive smoking and health
The cumulative effect over a prolonged exposure to any harmful substances in tobacco smoke is dangerous to health.
In adults, the elderly as well as people with underlying disease are more susceptible to the toxicity of the smoke because their immunity and resistance is weakened. Smoking exacerbates the disease by toxic substances of tobacco on several organs. And cardiovascular diseases and lung diseases are the most frequent.
In children, the smoke causes pollution of the atmospheric air. Harmful and irritating smoke substances can cause:
- Respiratory diseases: bronchitis, asthma.
- Diseases of the ENT with increased risk of ear infections, nasopharyngitis.
- The oral diseases with an increase in the frequency of caries teeth.
Infants exposed to passive smoking may also suffer from respiratory diseases such as bronchiolitis and asthma. Sudden deaths are also common in impaired respiratory function (prolonged hypoxia) and cardiac function (prolonged heart rate as a result of nicotine acceleration


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →