Depression in children: a less recognized condition?
Depression is not just a disease that affects adults, children can also be affected. However, the signs are more difficult to perceive by the parents. Learning difficulties, behavioral changes must always attract our attention ...
Depression is an illness that causes a significant impact on behavior, mood, but also on the functioning of the body. This disease can also affect children and adolescents, in whom it is often not detected because of mood swings during these periods. In addition, depression in children moved in a very discreet, the signs are often similar to other disorders related to an event or difficult situation. However, the signs of depression are the same both in children than in adults. The risks of complications are also the same, the temptation of suicide is the most feared.
Children with / parents have experienced periods of depression are much more likely to be diagnosed with depression. The maternal depression leaves much impression on changing the child's behavior. However, the repercussions and manifestations are different depending on the age of the child. The age bracket ranging between 6 to 12 years are more prone to this disease. Boys are more affected before the age of puberty.
Depression in children is often triggered by events or context of destabilization as a death, a move, a confrontational environment, divorce, ... Indeed, the environment and the living environment greatly affects a child on his mental and emotional health. Depression occurs when the child is subjected to different pressures and family commitments / Social excessive.
In children, depression is often associated with other behavioral disorders such as anxiety attack or phobias. Children with depression often experience difficulties in school and learning.
However, the signs of depression in children is often difficult to recognize because the events are discrete and the child shows little feelings.
The warning signs are often
- School difficulties,
- The lack of concentration,
- Behavioral changes and unexplained mood: angry child, angry, aggressive or otherwise, that contains a child of itself (loneliness, despair)
- A feeling of sadness, unhappiness and anxiety permanently, guilt
Signs manifest differently from one child to another but are often poorly expressed and several other signs may also suspect a depression in children as
- Loss of appetite, weight loss,
- Difficulty falling asleep,
- Permanent fatigue,
- Lack of interest in activities once enjoyed, it is sometimes a child who is bored or linger in front of the TV
When these signs are clearly visible and last longer, a consultation is necessary in order to better support the child, but also his entourage. The psychiatrist is a medical specialist who deals with depression in children. because, in the long depression can impact on body functions, and can cause stomach or abdominal pain, or skin diseases.
Depression in children under 5 years is particularly characterized by episodes of relapse and relapse during the period of adolescence and adulthood, especially for children at risk.
The management of depression in children is particularly difficult, parents should be fully involved and remain key players in therapy. The search for the cause of depression is crucial, but above all, we must help the child:
- Being present
- Encourage the child to talk and express themselves
- Interact, communicate, listen to the child, understand the feelings of the child
- Exit with the child, avoid isolating
- Enter the child sessions of activities such as theater, music, dance, ... and assist in these activities
Parents may also need help because living with a depressed child is not easy. Depression in children is more difficult to control, needs are difficult to understand and can affect the lives of the family and their academic and social environment.
For doctors, the support is mainly based on psychotherapy, taking into account his environment and his entourage. When the risk of suicide temptation is near, or in exceptionally serious cases, medication can be prescribed as antidepressants. Side effects in children are possible and surveillance must be very close, but the doctor alone can assess the need and the benefits and isk

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →