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Addiction adolescents

Basically, there are three ways or three reasons for becoming addicted:
1) Young people who have very important affective disorder can become addicted. They always have an anxiety and depressive syndrome.
These young people complain:
- An "intense" cockroach
- Time passes too slowly.
They have a total disregard for the normal activities of their age. They show a decline in academic performance, anger, fugues. They are sometimes guilty of theft and uncontrolled sexual conduct.
There is often associated insomnia and loss of appetite.
This explains the clinical finding a medication that is calming or stimulating, leading to a rapid relief will be sought when needed again.
These young people with such behavior should be monitored closely to detect the earliest possible drug taking.
2) Young immature not having sufficient will sometimes lured. These are young people who generally enter the drug gradually and insidiously.
3) Sometimes it is acute poisoning will be the first symptom of drug taking.
The clinical picture will depend on the drug used:
- Either excitation (amphetamines)
- Either acute delusional state (LSD)
- Or coma (sedative benzodiazepine, barbiturate).
If before the escalation in drug use was the rule, now it is no longer exactly the same.
Once the climbing was done by increasing the dose of the first drug used, and through the combination of other drugs to get to hard drugs (heroin).
This increase resulted in a gradual deterioration of the social life of the patient and by progressive destruction of the "I" to reach a total seclusion, the patient being trapped alone with his drugs.
Currently we are seeing the use of hard drugs as first-line, turning the patient immediately and quickly turned into drug offender.
You should know that any addict must be supported by his doctor who will judge the usefulness of the entrust a specialized team.
This support must be complete and made as early as possible in the hope that a cure might otherwise be long, followed by relapses and complications.
35,000 adolescents aged 12 to 17 years fall each year in the trap of drug addiction and often parents are aware of the recent drug use by their children.
A new way of detecting whether a young person drug was developed.
This is the Drugwipe small device that can detect the presence of drugs in contact with objects such as clothing, a briefcase, a handkerchief etc., but also on the skin or by testing the urine.
A device exists for each category of drugs: marijuana, cocaine, opiates, amphetamines and ecstasy.
Principle of immunochemical detection, making it very reliable and easy to use. It reacts to trace amounts of narcotics (10 to 100 nanograms). The result is instantaneous.
This little device is about 15 Euro and can be purchased in pharmacies

Another device will soon be commercialized Narcotest whose immunochemical detection principle is the same.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →