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Alcohol, tobacco or cannabis use during pregnancy: the Academy alert women

Alcohol, tobacco or cannabis has a negative impact on the course of pregnancy and the future of the child, alert the Academy of Medicine, which makes a number of recommendations to protect the mother and child at a time when the lobbies returned to the charge against the Evin Law
Addictions high risk
Alcohol readily cross the placental barrier has a deleterious effect on fetal brain. Depending on the time and intensity of prenatal exposure to alcohol, it can affect the primitive brain structures and processes affect memory and learning.
This embryo-fetal toxicity thus reflects the extreme by fetal alcohol syndrome with a craniofacial dysmorphia, malformations, growth retardation, and major behavioral and cognitive disorders.
Most often, however, the abnormalities are less severe, but nevertheless result in alterations in the development and disorders of character, attention, language acquisition, reading and writing , so that the consumption of alcohol during pregnancy is the leading cause of mental retardation and non-genetic as well as social maladjustment of the child yet.
It should be emphasized that prenatal alcohol exposure is a risk factor for embryo-fetal development at all stages of pregnancy, especially in the beginning, a risk that is common to all varieties of alcoholic beverages (wine, beer , cider, spirits, etc..) and exists even when occasional consumption, said the Academy.
Smoking is responsible for its part, abnormal course of the pregnancy, premature delivery and intrauterine growth retardation.
Tobacco consumption during pregnancy and after childbirth leads to a more increased risk of sudden infant death risk and a greater susceptibility of children to respiratory infections, asthma and ear infections.
The main active ingredient of cannabis, 9-tetrahydrocannabinol delta, also crosses the placenta easily. Regular consumption of cannabis and can cause growth retardation and behavioral problems, especially since it is usually associated with that of tobacco and / or alcohol. It can also determine at birth withdrawal syndrome manifested by agitation, a characteristic of sleep cry. In the longer term, it may be due to cognitive impairment. In addition, its possible involvement in the development of acute lymphoblastic leukemia has been reported.
The recommendations
Accordingly, the National Academy of Medicine issued a number of recommendations. The first is the dissemination of accurate information about the harmful effects of alcohol, tobacco or cannabis on the course of pregnancy and the future of the child. An action that must form part of the health education in schools, colleges and high schools, learning centers, businesses and on the day call-up to the defense.
In addition, all pregnant or trying to become pregnant should be informed before or reproduction from the first consultation of pregnancy dangers of such a consumption, even moderate, which should be screened during this consultation.
Pregnancy represents an ideal time to stop potentially harmful consumption, the applicant should, if it is unable to suspend her own consumption, be directed to a qualified service center or personnel specialized in obstetrics settings. Specific help to stop tobacco use should be considered in case of smoking.
Finally, in case of maintaining an alcohol, tobacco or cannabis, help the mother and family consumption should be provided after delivery and return home in the maternal and child health, in early medico-social action centers in collaboration with the general practitioner and pediatrician


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →