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Can a man have a normal sex after prostate surgery?

The sexual problems are still present after a prostate surgery and may have impacts on the lives of a couple, so they should not be minimized. Erectile dysfunction, rare sex ... sometimes the subject is taboo, but for doctors, talk is an important step in the management.

Disorders of the erection... Always needed!

Conservation of sexuality after prostate surgery is very important mainly depends on the surgeon and the surgical technique. In all cases, erectile dysfunction disorders are the most common and disturbing sexuality after prostate surgery.

The prostate is surrounded by nerves and blood vessels forming the neural plate. A prostate surgery often requires a section of the arteries and veins, and even a section of the erectile nerves.

Recovery of erectile function then depends on the preservation or non erectile nerves.

For prostate surgery in case of benign prostatic hyperplasia, internal ejaculation are very common, especially when the adenoma is large. Of erectile dysfunction are sometimes found, but it does cons-indicated in any surgery.

In the case of prostate cancer, surgery is heavier, depending on the size of the tumor, it is usually a radical prostatectomy. Sometimes, the surgeon will be forced to cut the erectile nerves (when the cancer is at an advanced stage), and then results in a definite lack of erection. The total removal of the prostate also causes disturbances in sexual function and urinary functions. Despite this, libido, orgasm, and pleasure are kept.

Today, surgical techniques have evolved, new techniques are introduced in order to best preserve the nerve blade. However, this is possible only when the cancer is small and the patient really wants to maintain normal sexuality.

What treatment for erectile dysfunction?

There are two cases to consider after prostate surgery:

- Part of erectile nerves was retained by the surgeon in this case, the natural erection can be recovered by medical treatment. A gradual return of natural erection is often observed after 12 to 24 months after surgery.

- The erection nerves were severed by the surgeon in this case, the recovery of erection is very low. The support is based on a treatment protocol that can trigger an erection:

Erectile rehabilitation is to resume sexual activities in order to stimulate the erection

Drug treatments can gradually improve erection. It may include oral medications or injections

The use of instrument (vacuum), penile implants

Thus, a change of sex is inevitable after prostate surgery. However, for physicians, the first objective is to heal the patient. The impact of surgery on sexuality are not provided minimized as are known and supported in a serious way, following a specific protocol, tailored to each couple or each patient. This support begins even before the surgery, informing the couple / patient of the consequences of the operation, as well as different methods to recover a near normal sexuality. It also involves other factors such as:

- Acceptance of the couple on the existence of a change in sexuality, the adaptation of a new couple sex life

- The motivation of the couple to follow the treatments that can restore normal sexual


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →
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