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Chronic pulmonary disease treatment

We must first stop using tobacco while treatment is illusory without the definitive cessation of smoking.
We must take great care to avoid colds, chronic bronchitis is to be extremely fragile. It should be vaccinated every year against the flu to pneumococcal vaccination practice.
To practice twice a year the Haemophilus vaccination.
We must use some vaccines throughout the cold period to prevent secondary infections, there are currently very effective. How important is breathing kinesis (clapping), which greatly helps to clear secretions, it must be virtually permanent. This is certainly one of the most important chronic bronchitis elements.
Postural drainage may be necessary in some cases.
Rehabilitation effort to chronic bronchitis in a specialized center will improve thanks to the work of physiotherapists, and in a matter of months, the respiratory capacity of these chronic bronchitis.
The addition of mucolytic drugs, that is to say thinners bronchial secretions, will be a great contribution, as well as bronchodilators in some cases. It will avoid taking sedatives cough, not to confine the cat among the pigeons. In the same vein, we must avoid benzodiazepines, which are both used today.
Sometimes corticosteroids (inhaled corticosteroids) may be considered, especially in cases of temporary worsening of symptoms. It allows a reduction in exacerbations by 25% and reduces the deterioration of the general condition. The combination of inhaled corticosteroids and BETAMIMETICS long duration of action (serevent, seretide) symptomatologioe and further improve lung function.
In severe cases oxygen therapy may be necessary.
Finally, it should be noted that not be negligible thermal treatments such Cauteret, Luchon or Allevard.
The harmful effect of tobacco is shown. Passive smoking is a scourge among young children who are extremely sensitive to superinfection lung and will sometimes disabled all their lives because they lived in a smoky atmosphere during their youth.
- Smoking cessation is essential.
- The PASSIVE SMOKING should be avoided absolutely. - Influenza vaccination will be made every year. - A vaccine to prevent secondary infections of winter will be undertaken (Biostim, Ribomunyl).

- Physiotherapy (clapping) must be permanent.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →