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Drug consumption rooms: 53% of French favor

A small majority of French would welcome the opening of drug consumption rooms, according to a poll by Ifop for the Letter of opinion.
For this study, a sample of 1,007 people representative of the French population aged 18 and over, were interviewed.
When asked would you be in favor of opening in France places "where addicts can come freely with their drugs for use in medical and health control" as it exists in "some European cities", 11% were very favorable 42% favorable, 23% somewhat opposed and 24% strongly opposed.
Supporters on the left are 67% to be favorable, while supporters are 42% right in this case.
In a statement, the local Elected President against AIDS (ELCS), Jean-Luc Romero, welcomes the results of this survey. "This 'validation' popular makes all the more incomprehensible the government's opposition," he says.
After meeting at Matignon considered disappointing, professional associations and user groups, gathered in the Collective *, held a press conference in Paris. According to them, the findings and the needs of the public were shared by the Prime Minister, but reading the expertise of INSERM proved divergent, it does not validate the interest of the tool "consumption room."
The firm has proposed to change the current system, but it was not clear how, explained the association responsible. They have pointed out that the arguments in this debate, as the priority withdrawal resembled those used in the implementation of substitution treatment. They are also surprised by the silence of the side of the Ministry of Health for the position of Matignon


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →