Smoking greatly exacerbates the effects of surgery
During the Congress Convergences Health Hospital which was completed in Strasbourg session organized by the Union of Hospital Pulmonologists (SPH) has addressed the issue of smoking among people made.
Perioperative smoking is indeed a challenge for all players in the hospital.
During this session, Professor Bertrand Dautzenberg (Pitié-Salpêtrière, Paris) has appealed to all health professionals, including GPs and pharmacists city, increasing the risk for perioperative smoking. For example: a tripling of the risk of complications of skin scars of dropping suture digestive, dropping to wall, failure of vascular anastomosis, eight times more than non-union, or three times more delayed bone healing ...
In addition, smoking is responsible for perioperative outside the classical bronchial congestion, many nosocomial surgical complications. It extends 2 days, according to results of a recent clinical trial, the length of stay for hip and knee. It also doubles the risk of progression in ICU.
However, quitting smoking 6-8 weeks before surgery is any measurable risk disappear, or stop closer to the intervention or simply reduce its consumption with partial nicotine replacement therapy reduces the risk and the more so because the abstinence continues throughout the consolidation phase.
Professor Luke Clancy believes "urgent surgical services 100%, 100% clinical or laboratory services in connection with surgical patients adopt procedures to inform patients and their correspondents identify preoperative smoking early and set up the appropriate circuits to improve practices reduce nosocomial infections and costs. "
Despite these facts, recalled in an international conference of experts on smoking perioperative evaluations starved in France to demonstrate that foreign examples available in some diseases can be exported to all conditions and for all methods of management load.
The organization of the management of perioperative smoking should mobilize all stakeholders of the hospital doctors, surgeons, nurses, and government users but also liberal professionals who are daily in contact with smokers who are be made.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →