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7th Day of the Prostate

  This year, the French Association of Urology (AFU) establish a day of information and awareness about prostate and its diseases. Urological Association has chosen to emphasize laprise support, custom, cancer of the prostate. Indeed, therapeutic lastratégie implement descaractéristiques must take account of the patient and the tumor can not be done in connection with the patient, surrounded by a team pl
The most common cancer in men
The prostate cancer is the most common cancer with more than 60 000 new cases per year and the second leading cause of male mortality after lung lecancer.

In France, the debate on the introduction of a screening program for prostate cancer persists.

The development of prostate cancer is slow and morbidity associated with treatment is heavy (erectile dysfunction, urinary incontinence) where the reserve to extend such screening. According to the National Health Authority, the analysis of the results of two recent studies has shown little convincing debénéfices terms related screening. These studies have mainly highlighted many disadvantages.

The AFU advocates, however, support an organized similar to those established for breast cancer or colon cancer screening.
The Urological Association recommends that physicians early detection diagnostics by two means: a PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) combined with a digital rectal exam in men over 50 years. According to the EBA, 1 in 8 men may be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his vie.uridisciplinaire.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →