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What are the risks and side effects of biopsy?

A biopsy is a surgical procedure, the information must be accurate and assessed against the side effects. However, these risks vary depending on the technique used and the target organ. But what are the risks to be famous?
  The risks of biopsy:
The abnormal cells may become cancer cells after a biopsy
The "suspicious" cells can spread and spread to the tissues in the neighborhood after a biopsy
A tumor may worsen and increase in volume, and the cancer cells can spread to adjacent organs or to other distant organs
The surgery can be traumatic for neighborhood factors such as vessels (risk of bleeding) or nerves
Regions have received prior radiation (radiotherapy) have risks becoming necrotic after biopsy
A biopsy can cause infections infiltration of microbes, but aseptic technique are generally well attended and are mandatory
The biopsy is sometimes a specialized surgery and requires some skill of the practitioner. In case of large lesions and risk, it is better to entrust the act to a specialist. There are also parts of the body that require special precautions when performing a biopsy biopsy of the tongue, floor lingual biopsy or biopsy of the lips of the mouth.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →