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How is a biopsy?

 The doctor prescribed a biopsy. Do not hesitate to ask questions and ask anything that bothers you about this surgery it. The preparation steps and running ... But also here are our answers to enlighten you a little more.
The preparation
A biopsy does not require special preparation. However, there are some steps to follow before performing such surgery:

General clinical examination (examination, medical and surgical history), physical examinations, investigations, ...
Psychological preparation: the nurse explains to the patient the purpose of the biopsy, the course, precautions, ....
Premedication: the anxious or agitated people require the injection of sedatives drugs, premedication is usually necessary when endoscopic biopsy
A short hospital stay may be necessary if the levy relates to an internal organ and more or less deep (eg liver biopsy). In this case, the patient should arrive earlier to undergo some blood tests before performing the biopsy. By cons, a skin biopsy may be made directly to the medical doctor's office.
Breast biopsy
Usually performed after a mammogram, in cases of suspected breast malignancy
Pleural biopsy
Made through the skin and essentially indicated for pleurisy
Lung biopsy
Also carried out through the skin when lung tumor
Liver biopsy
In hepatitis, cirrhosis, sarcoidosis or certain types of liver cancer
We talk biopsy transjugulaire1 when the sampling is performed from the jugular vein (in the neck)
Renal biopsy
In nephrotic syndrome or other diseases such as polyarteritis nodosa, systemic lupus erythematosus
Prostate biopsy
In case of suspicion of an abnormal prostate tissue (malignant)
The biopsy is done through the wall of the rectum
Endoscopic exploration
Region can be explored and biopsied
Gastroduodenal endoscopy
Small intestine
Gynecological unit
Pleura (the membrane that surrounds the lungs)
Abdominal organs
Laparoscopie2 (with general anesthesia)
Glands, ovaries, peritoneum ...

extemporaneous biopsy when the laboratory examination is performed during the same surgery (ENPER surgery) and the result is immediately communicated to the surgeon so that he can decide the result of the operation. This then avoids a second surgery. Indeed, the result may involve removal of an organ (total or partial).
excisional biopsy where the surgeon removes the lesion in its entirety (for therapeutic purposes) which will be examined in the laboratory (for diagnostic purposes). This technique is usually performed on a lésionbien delimited surface gravity and light.
incisional biopsy when the surgeon takes a small piece of the lesion for microscopic examination in the laboratory (for diagnostic purposes only).
Learn about the precautions to be taken after the biopsy (wound care, mode of travel and transport)
Do not hesitate to consult in case of fever, pain or bleeding
Be hard to control sessions and monitoring

Endoscopic biopsy
     The introduction of the endoscope into the body often requires the establishment of an intravenous line in order to administer sedatives and analgesics. And often, this technique requires more anesthetic injection during removal product, endoscopic biopsy is virtually painless.

The steps of a biopsy
This first step is very important. It is the disinfection of the surgical area using sterile equipment: sterile gauze, disinfectant solution (Betadine most often). Disinfection begins after set up a sterile field (sterile device which allows to define the area of ​​intervention). Indeed, asepsiedoit be rigorous.
Local or general anesthesia?
To ensure patient comfort and the smooth running of the biopsy, the use of anesthetic is required. The anesthesia can numb the skin deep and the entire region to be removed.
Depending on the location of the sampling and the technique used, locoregional anesthesia can be ougénérale.
Local anesthesia is often performed by infiltration distance of the lesion in order to avoid necrosis and worsening it. It is to be administered using a needle or by means of a cream or a patch.
The levy
During the course of sampling depends on the technique used and the tissue / organ to be sampled.
Various techniques exist to perform a biopsy.
Percutaneous biopsy or biopsy
This is a biopsy using a trocar. It is a material consisting of a surgical needle-syringe, equipped with a handle, and which enables both to perform suction and removal of a fragment of an organ.
The biopsy is usually guided by ultrasound (FNA) or a scanner to facilitate the identification of the area to be sampled. This technique is usually performed on an organ more or less deep. It sometimes requires a short hospital stay to monitor the patient after surgery.
There are several agencies that can benefit from a biopsy. This technique is generally indicated in cases of cancer. Here are some indications, according to organ to be examined:

Endoscopic biopsy is a technique that uses an endoscope introduced into the body either by natural means or through a small incision in the skin. Endoscopic equipment is made of a probe provided with an optical system, inside of which there is slid the biopsy.
The endoscopic technique allows both to visualize the intervention area and take a sample. It is practiced to organs eligible for endoscopy, and essentially when sampling at the inner walls of hollow organs.

The biopsy
Surgical biopsy is performed during surgery. This technique is necessarily carried out in case of biopsy of an organ or tissue in depth, not accessible by the other two methods raised:
A surgical biopsy is also therapeutic.
During the biopsy, then we talk about:
After collection
Once the sample is collected, it is wiped with gauze soaked with saline. It is then placed in a sterile container and immersed in a liquid fixative (Bouin). Often, the levy is directly sent to the laboratory for analysis, otherwise it is subjected to freezing in liquid nitrogen (for conservation).
Sending the sample to the laboratory is necessarily followed by an information sheet about the patient (name, age, clinical information ...). In some cases, it is important to include some imaging tests (X-ray or scan) to assist the pathologist in the interpretation of results. The sample is sent to a single laboratory. 


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →