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What is a biopsy?

  The biopsy is sometimes a simple sample in a medical office, but can also, in some cases, hospitalization cessiter born, everything depends on the target organ and technology. But what is it exactly? Biopsy is a surgical procedure that involves taking a sample of a small piece of an organ or tissue in order to achieve a thorough microscopic examination in the laboratory.
The biopsy is performed by a doctor. Depending on the type and location of the organ to be examined, a biopsy is performed:
in a medical office (in case of skin biopsy)
but may require hospitalization (in case of liver biopsy)
or even be made during a surgical procedure (if sample taken from a tumor).
The biopsy can be done on all the organs of the body. There are brain biopsy (brain), biopsy of the eyelids, skin biopsy (skin), bone biopsy, nerve biopsy, muscle biopsy, bone marrow biopsy, liver biopsy (liver), kidney biopsy, prostate biopsy, biopsy of the stomach biopsy stock ....
The biopsy is performed in specific situations, and essentially made to clarify the diagnosis of disease.
An important diagnostic value
The purpose of the biopsy is to study the characteristics and the biological nature of the sample cells removed, it is necessary for the development and / or confirmation of the diagnosis by the doctor. In most cases, the analysis of a body sample is a microscopic examination, which shows the general structure of tissuprélevé. Microscopic examination helps detect abnormal cells or tissue abnormalities. The biopsy is mainly prescribed in case of suspicious lesion.
Generally, biopsy is performed after other standard examinations, and thus complete the data detected by simple clinical and radiological examinations.
The sample withdrawn may also have other tests such as: Description: What is a biopsi
A biochemical test that specifies the quantity and quality of certain substances and cellular components. In fact, the biopsy can provide information about the enzymes in a tissue, which in certain diseases, are markers.
Immunological examination that normally considers defense molecules in the body and for the presence of antigens in the fragment removed.
A genetic test that can detect a genetic disease from the study of certain genes.
Bacteriological examination that provides information on infectious diseases infectious degermed research.
The evolution of a disease
The biopsy can assess the severity of disease, mainly in case of tumor: extension, stage and classification, ...
In some cases, a biopsy is performed repeatedly and successively to monitor disease progression and treatment efficacy undertaken.
The presence of a biopsy examination also allows for adequate treatment to the severity and extent of a tumor.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →