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A fluid collection that forms the spinal cord ... Too hard to imagine when you're not a doctor! But do not panic, here's everything you need to know about this maladiie; details with simple and easily understood explanations.
Syringomyelia is a disease that affects the spinal cord in the cervical portion (in the neck). It is characterized by the formation, at this level, a fluid collection gradually moving to compress and then destroy the sensory and motor nerve fibers.
Syringomyelia affects mainly young people 25 to 40 years. The onset of the disease usually remains silent. The disease is often associated with a rare defect called Arnold-Chiari malformation. However, there is a form of syringomyelia secondary to trauma or infections. Some forms show no obvious cause.
Signs presented by the patient with syringomyelia are associated with sensory and motor nerve abnormalities resulting localized destruction in the neck. However, the signs vary depending on the extent of the cavity, the patient's age, stage of development and the factors involved in the disease. Often, the evidence is:
- Loss of sensitivity to hot (eg burns), sensitivity to cold, and the patient becomes insensitive to temperature
- Disorders of speech, swallowing, paralysis of the tongue
Paresthesia mainly felt in the face and upper limbs: stinging, tingling, cramping, numbness. The facial sensory impairment is sometimes accompanied by nystagmus
- Muscle fonts progressing to muscle atrophy, arms and hands are most often affected first.
- The trophic skin disorders that can lead to the formation of paronychia, sore piercing (often located in the hands or elbows), or bedsores
- The abolition of certain reflexes in the upper limbs
- At a more advanced stage, it may appear a paralysis of the lower limbs with accentuation of certain reflexes, gait disturbance.
- Tremors or fasciculations experienced by the patient corresponding to non-rhythmic muscle contractions. These signs are also due to nerve destruction.
The diagnosis of syringomyelia is mainly confirmed by the detection of fluid cavity magnetic resonance imaging.
Syringomyelia is a disease that progresses very slowly, over several years. The neurosurgical treatment improves the signs by decompression of the nerve roots, but does not cure the disease.

Psychotropic drugs may also be used in less severe forms. These are mostly anxiolytics, sedatives or neuroleptics.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →