Lack of access to care, more than 500,000 women and 10 million children die each year
In a report, the World Health Organization (WHO) says that hundreds of millions of women die in childbirth and 10.6 million children die each year also.
A possible reduction
The report called "Make every mother and every child" and published on the occasion of World Health Day, believes it would be possible to reduce this mortality wider application of essential interventions and by establish a continuum of care for the mother and child that begins before pregnancy and during childbirth and infancy.
According to WHO figures, nearly 530,000 women die each year during pregnancy or childbirth. More than 3 million children are stillborn, more than 4 million newborns die within the first days to first weeks of life. In total, 10.6 million children die before their fifth birthday.
WHO also believes that a global total of 136 million annual births, less than two thirds of women in less developed countries and only one third in the least developed countries deliver with the assistance of a qualified person .
Six health problems blamed
According to the report, 90% of children under 5 deaths are attributable to six health: prematurity and infections, which account for 37% of the total, the lower respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia (19%) , diarrhea (18%), malaria (8%), measles (4%) and AIDS (3%).
Most of these deaths can be prevented existing both simple through interventions, effective and affordable. Among these include oral rehydration therapy, antibiotics, antimalarial drugs and insecticide-treated bednets, vitamin A and other micronutrients, promotion of breastfeeding, as well as skilled care during pregnancy and delivery.
To reduce mortality, the report calls for continuity of care for the mother and child that begins before pregnancy, during childbirth and infancy. This approach requires a deployment of health professionals (doctors, midwives and nurses). Similarly, for maximum security, without exception, every woman should have access to skilled care during childbirth. In addition, continuity of care remains essential for the newborn in the following weeks.
Women pay a high price for access to care deficiencies
This is primarily due to lack of access to skilled care and obstetric interventions that many mothers from the rural areas do not receive care that could save their lives during childbirth, the report said. For example, a study of 2.7 million deliveries in seven developing countries reveals that only 32% of women who needed a major life-saving intervention received.
In addition, more than 18 million induced abortions each year are performed by people lacking the necessary skills or in an environment lacking the minimal medical standards, or both. Consequence: 68,000 women die each year as well.
Therefore, the WHO estimates the need for increasing the number of health workers of all categories, especially in the field of maternal and child health over the next 10 years. It encourages governments and other partners to develop programs for maternal and newborn health.
Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →