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AVC : fatigue, depression and pain poorly supported after returning home

Fatigue , depression and pain are often poorly supported in patients with cerebrovascular accident (CVA ) after their return home , according to the results of the survey "Living at home after stroke " presented by Dr. Carine Brulé, general internal medicine at the appointment of the Association France AVC Ile-de- France , which was held at the Pasteur Institute in Paris.
The Stroke Association France Ile-de- France conducted the survey "Living at home after stroke " with 199 of its members, with the objective of evaluating the quality of life of patients after stroke their return home .

Carine Brulé said that 75% of stroke victims are affected negatively and 80% discharged home undergoing a change in their lives with psychological consequences for them and their families. The questionnaire sent by the association was to determine the perception of these changes by patients and their opinion on their monitoring by health professionals.

The stroke of the survey participants , average age 61 years , dating back to 3 years on average ( between 2 and 33 years). The survey reveals that 50% of them do not know the term stroke before their accident.

While 73 % believe their satisfactory autonomy after the accident, they feel that their quality of life has decreased. The lack of recovery of an occupation is one of the factors involved

Another factor reducing the quality of life is the fatigue experienced by 81% of participants , whose origin remains unclear. Followed by depression experienced by a third of patients and pain experienced in 50 % of cases. However, more than a third of these symptoms are not relieved by the results of the investigation.

In contrast, members emphasized the major role of the presence and support of their families.

On the medical and paramedical followed , a third of respondents admitted experiencing difficulties of access to rehabilitation care . In addition, 40% have had to find themselves a physiotherapist and a speech therapist 30% .

" Treating physicians should develop their role in supporting patients , for example by offering paramedical assistance ," concluded Carine Brulé .


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →