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Gastroesophageal reflux disease: the eviction of food "at risk" does not improve symptoms

Adopting a diet away certain foods "at risk" does not necessarily relieve burns to gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), say researchers in the "Archives of Internal Medicin
Gastroesophageal reflux is a common disorder which is characterized by the rise of stomach contents into the esophagus due to the malfunction of the sphincter (the cardia) which closes the top of the stomach that normally prevents reflux.

Of medication or in some cases, surgery, come to grips with this problem, but the adoption of new rules of healthy living is a priority.

Chocolate, spicy foods, mint, citrus, fatty foods, soft drinks, coffee and belated meals are usually singled out, identified as risk factors for GERD. Just like smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity and body position.

Change their habits is recommended by doctors, although no scientific studies have demonstrated the interest and effectiveness of these measures, said Dr. Lauren B. Gerson, of Stanford University.

With her colleagues, she has reviewed a hundred studies on the subject, it is clear from this analysis work that "smoking, alcohol, chocolate and lying down increases the risk of esophageal acidity and are associated with a worsening of symptoms of burning. " But neither smoking cessation, alcohol or food "at risk" have been associated with discontinuation symptoms.

"We have no evidence that the interruption of such behavior will result in the termination of burns," says Dr. Gerson.

Only the elevation of the upper body while lying and weight loss in obese patients are beneficial.

The researchers suggest, rather than stick to a restrictive diet that has not proven its effectiveness in the gastro-esophageal burns, avoid consuming a food ingestion has been followed by a worsening of symptoms, to see if his ouster is accompanied by an improvement. "In all cases, unless a full recovery, the patient should probably follow a symptomatic drug treatment," they say.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →