Blood, what is it?
We know its color, consistency but we rarely actually gives details of its components. It is therefore not a liquid substance that circulates in the body, several elements are conveyed, while giving the blood a vital role in the entire operation of the organization ...
Blood is a fluid substance that flows continuously through the vessels of the body.
It is a connective tissue with a liquid, red, produced at the bone marrow.
There are on average 5 to 6 liters of blood circulating in the body (for adults). In children, the amount is lower (about 3 liters) and in the newborn, this value is about 250 milliliters.
What makes up blood?
Blood plasma
Blood plasma is the basic constituent of the blood. It is a colorless and composed primarily of liquid water. Plasma vehicle all substances and blood cells.
Formed elements of the blood
Formed elements of the blood are 45% of the blood.
The red blood cells (also called erythrocytes or red blood cell) is a blood cell. It contains a red substance called hemoglobin.
Hemoglobin is a protein that gives blood its red color. It is a substance containing iron of the transport of oxygen.
The white blood cells, also called leukocytes, is also a blood cell that is involved in the body's defense against infection.
Platelets are cells that provide fragmented lacoagulation blood. In case of wound or bleeding, platelets accumulate crusts on the wound until healing.
The serum is a transparent liquid, yellowish color. It is obtained by removing elements of blood (including clotting proteins) and fibrinogen. Analyzes can be performed in blood serum during illness (serology).
What is the role of blood in the body?
The blood provides primarily a function of:
Transportation: oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients and vital to the body, toxic substances to be eliminated in the kidneys, hormones, water and mineral ...
Nutrition: the transport of nutrients to tissues and organs. These substances are collected from the blood to the intestinal wall during digestion.
Defense by the presence of white blood cells that initiate the process of the body's defense against infectious agents
Regulation: the blood plays a role in regulating the temperature, regulating hormonal balance ...
Hemostasis: the presence of platelets
Treatment: metabolic waste disposed by the cells are collected by the blood to be transported and disposed of in the kidneys (the main organ of filtration and purification of the body).

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →