bronchiolitis sequelae
Severe bronchiolitis requiring
hospitalization are often followed by more or less serious consequences.
- Episodes of cough with wheezing
(wheezing) are common after bronchiolitis
- In subjects predisposed atopic
family plot (see ATOPY) or asthma (see Asthma) some infants may develop a true
- Some infants develop immediately
after the acute infection, subacute and chronic, difficulty in breathing,
coughing, bronchial congestion, episodes of wheezing (wheezing) and chronic
respiratory failure.
- The effects are often present
within up to ten years in these infants with bronchiolitis was severe and
required hospitalization.
- For against these effects are very
rare in bronchiolitis were treated at home.
- To conclude, it should be noted
that the administration of corticosteroids (see corticosteroids) inhalation can
prevent these consequences if it is early enough and lasts long enough after
the initial episode of the disease.
The annual incidence of
bronchiolitis is estimated at 250 per 1,000 children under one year.
It is most often benign.
Hospitalization is required only 5% of these children. However,
currently severe forms appear constantly increasing.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →