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Particular reaction when an individual is in contact with a foreign body that is called allergen.
It is a reaction due to hypersensitivity caused by immunological mechanisms
It may be humoral or tissue:
- Humoral: antibodies made ​​by the patient in contact with the allergen circulate in the blood and can be detected by some tests. The reactions can be very violent as in ASTHMA or in food allergy;
- Tissue: there are no antibodies in the circulating blood. These are for example the skin in eczema and contact dermatitis say (produced by repeated contact with certain substances).
We must seek ALLERGEN, and it is sometimes very difficult to achieve as there are many substances that can give allergy.
We quote: house dust, animal dander, feathers, vegetable dusts, pollens, various chemicals, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, antibiotics, some bacteria and fungi, latex, certain metals such as nickel, gold, and this list is not exhaustive.
These causes can be responsible for various allergic diseases such as:
- Seasonal and perennial allergic rhinitis (year-round)
- Allergic conjunctivitis,
- Some pruritus (itching),
- Some eczema.
Should, if possible, avoid contact with the allergen.
The processing carried out by the doctor, after testing, will be long. If desensitization is possible, it will undertake, knowing it will take a lot of patience to get a result.

Meanwhile, antihistamines, cromolyn sodium, the cortisone will have a place in the therapeutic arsenal.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →
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