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Cancer : we must humanize the diagnosis?

Stunned , shocked, stunned ... this is the state in which patients are most when the oncologist tells them the diagnosis of cancer, with the main question in mind " is what I 'm going to die ? "
A consultation ... very tricky !
Consultations announcement cancer diagnosis have been implemented on an experimental basis in 40 French institutions. According to Dr. Etienne Brain, oncologist at Centre René Huguenin in Saint -Cloud , " the practice [ of the diagnosis ] was a little dusty and needed to be shaken up ."

People came to the conference on " Devices announcement and cancers," organized in one of the cars of the European Train against cancer stationed in Gare de Lyon in Paris , the specialist explains the ideal way is to take place a consultation of at diagnosis , sensible " humanize " the announcement.

"Face to face stunned , feeling that listening is no longer there, the physician should try to help the patient integrate all the information he gives " and " help to make a decision about his health . " The physician must necessarily be involved in treatment of the patient and be senior ( oncologist or radiation oncologist , surgeon, specialist body ) .

He must devote time to their patients (at least 30 minutes) , preferred a quiet place ( no phone, avoid traffic areas ... ) and choose the right words to tell cancer diagnosis , treatment plan and the risk of recurrence . No more complicated than barbarians or the patient is not able to understand words, " we need to know about cancer and to use that word ," said Dr. Brain.

It is often necessary to hold further consultations, called " re- anchor " , during which patients will be better able to absorb the wealth of information that delivers their doctor . "At first, what is secondary is surely said, but at this moment , it is not the priority. After only come the questions ," said one patient in the audience joining Dr. Brain on that " too much information causes confusion . "

Ultimately, the goal of the practitioner is to " try to restore a form of humanity to a difficult and hard to hear information." " Its role is not the truth but Klitschko arrive with words , create patient issues in a climate of confidence," he said.

Lack of staff
These consultations announcement cancer respond to strong demand from patients at the General Assembly of cancer in 1998. Their implementation is not without its problems : the cancer suffers from a shortage of trained specialists , availability in services is saturated , training in the psychological approach is very limited in studies of physicians has admitted Dr. Brain.

" Consider the training of doctors in psycho-oncology urgently ," he advised .

The presence of a psychologist in the consultation announcement cancer may be desirable , since it defuses tensions and sometimes facilitates dialogue . Nonetheless, it is preferable that the patient is alone with her ​​doctor so that weaves a relationship of trust between them , a key element in the management of cancer.

40 pilot sites testing the specifications estimated costs prepared by patient organizations in collaboration with the National League against Cancer .

The whole area should be covered during the year.


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Author: Mohammad
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