Cannabis, what health risks?
In a collective expertise, entitled
"cannabis, what effects on the behavior and health?" the authors
mention "the demonstration of an association between cannabis use and a
negative effect on health, which does not imply a causal inference and does not
say if this use before the health problem." The experts have made the link
between cannabis abuse and schizophrenia.
The authors recommend targeting
campaigns and prevention of health risks in the immediate or longer term.
The main short-term effects are
reversible alteration of certain psychomotor and cognitive performance, such as
drowsiness, memory problems and the inability to perform certain multiple
tasks. When the decision is more important, language disorders or motor
coordination as well as dysphoria may occur. Changes sometimes last until 24
Moreover, acute psychiatric
complications such as panic or depersonalization syndrome have been observed in
some subjects. Exceptionally, cases of cannabis psychosis (delusions
stylebouffées, but with more hétéroagressif behavior disorders, visual
hallucinations, depersonalization) have been described in adults, the use of cannabis
had increased recently.
In the longer term, repeated use
(cannabis more than 10 times a year) increases the risk of addiction, some
studies have even reported a phenomenon of tolerance and withdrawal syndrome in
chronic low-level consumers. Among the effects described, the authors cite the
occurrence of lung cancer or head and neck cancer, regardless of smoking.
Moreover, the link between cannabis
and schizophrenia, suggested by a survey conducted in France, has since been
confirmed by other international studies. This association could be the
expression of a common vulnerability to genetic or environmental, say the
authors, who recommend to study the possible interactions between cannabis, the
endocannabinoid system and schizophrenia.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →