How to reduce your exposure to pollen?
Pollen is the cause of many seasonal allergies. It is not possible to completely avoid pollen, but there are some simple things you can do to reduce your overall exposure to it and to help reduce allergic reactions. This article provides some methods to help you.
1 Know the times of year when pollen is more likely to be a problem. The rate increases pollen mid-spring and summer. Various trees, grasses and flowers can be irritating at different times of the year, so that knowledge of local flora is essential. If you live in the southern hemisphere, watch the high rate of pollen during October to March for grasses and from August to March to tree pollen. Some TV stations now offer warnings about the pollen, use this information to your advantage.
2 Find out if you have allergies to pollens. Your runny nose and watery eyes tell you yes, but it may be useful to get professional confirmation of the actual types of pollen that increase your immune system. You may have a skin test to determine the grass or tree pollen or pollen could make on your allergic reactions. It is a relatively easy and inexpensive way to explore, ask your health care professional for advice.
3 Try to stay indoors when the wind is strong. The wind carries the pollen from very long distances very quickly. This means that even if there are no trees or grass in your area that could be the cause of your allergy, the wind can bring pollen from afar. For example, Silver Birch pollen is very small and is easily transported over long distances.
4 Try to stay indoors until noon when you're allergic to pollen is at its peak. This will help reduce your exposure to pollen during the day.
5 Keep windows closed and air conditioning on. Getting to and from work, school or anywhere else in the car, offers a large bubble that can isolate you from foreign pollen. Unfortunately, it is also an additional cost, so that the use of this method at the height of the pollen season. Otherwise, a new and efficient air filter added to your air intake, so that you can use outside air to circulate around the car.
6 Keep the low grass. Mow the lawn regularly to discourage the growth of flowers.
7 Wear sunglasses that fit well. This can help prevent pollen from landing in your eyes and irritate.
8 Clean the garden. If your garden contains guilty allergies, consider removing, pruning or removing flowers.
9 Do not go to places where the pollen count is highest, such as gardens, parks and ovals. If you need to attend a garden wedding at the height of the pollen season, take anti-histamine products as prescribed by your health care professional before you go.
10 Always change your clothes and take a quick shower after coming home at the end of the day. This will remove pollen from your skin and hair so that you will leave around the house. Wash clothes worn rapidly. And do not forget that a cat or dog will bring pollen on their fur, make it a rule to give a regular and vacuum particles on the ground in the area of brush brushing.
11 Do not sleep with unwashed hair. Pollen in your hair fixed on the pillow as you move in your sleep, you breathe in pollen. Change your pillowcase often.
If you are not in vain, a dust mask allows, the days when the pollen is low or moderate.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →