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Oral allergy syndrome and food

The oral allergy syndrome is the most common syndrome of a food allergy is the food in question.
The events that occur can be spread over time.
After taking the allergenic food,
- In less than a quarter of an hour may occur
irritation of the mouth
swelling of the lips
a buccal pruritus
excessive salivation
a feeling of constriction of the groove
rapid flushing
mouth ulcers.
- Between a quarter of an hour and a half hour can occur
urticaria crisis
eye swelling
SHOCK ANAPHYLACTIC (see this term)
- Between half an hour and an hour can occur
of severe abdominal pain
nausea and vomiting
runny nose
TESTS PRICKS (see this term) are positive in 90% of cases.
Foods most often involved are apple, peach, apricots, almonds, tomatoes, cherries, melons, carrots, peas, celery, pear, strawberry, and especially the peanut .
We should also mention, seafood, eggs, chestnuts (especially in patients with latex allergy: cross-reactivity).
The labial provocation test should be done.
Just prick it with a small lancet fruit or suspect food and immediately prick the subject with the same lancet without washing, of course.
This technique avoids the oral provocation test can sometimes be should be practiced in some doubtful cases to the hospital.
The eviction of the food in question is essential.
Cooking fruits and vegetables actually disappear or decrease allergenicity.
The antihistamines may be necessary as astemizole.

SHOCK ANAPHYLACTIC (see this term) always possible to require hospital care


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →