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Conjunctivitis allergiqueCe are the pollens that are a common cause of allergic conjunctivitis.

This conjunctivitis is most often associated with RHINITIS ALLERGIC.
Of course this conjunctivitis a tendency to recur if ALLERGEN is not excluded. (Which is sometimes impossible)
In addition to the usual signs of conjunctivitis, join a PRURITUS sometimes very troublesome, and a very important watering.
The functional gene is intense.
Eyelid edema is common
Photophobia may be very important
Both eyes are affected
There is no lymphadenopathy (see this term)
Filamentous mucus secretions contain eosinophilic granules and released MAST (see this term)
Corneal complications may occur in ulcer type and infiltrates can engage the visual prognosis.
Besides anti-histamines must use eye drops eye drops containing cromolyn (lomusol example).
Hyper-acute period can be used for a few days a steroid eye drops (soon to avoid the occurrence of steroid cataract).
Moreover eyewash solutions are of great interest as possible to eliminate a large amount of allergens in question
Similarly a shower and shampoo will help remove residual pollen ..

Desensitization, when possible is recommended


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →