What are the early signs of pregnancy?
While some women easily recognize the signs of pregnancy, others still ignore and neglect these changes in their body that herald the beginning of a new life. Although these signs are extremely numerous and are not always consistent from one woman to another, they are not enough to confirm a pregnancy. However, they need to attract attention!
The lack of menstruation or amenorrhea
In early pregnancy, many changes in the body are found. The delay of the rules is the first sign that announces pregnancy but other manifestations may be present or not. But even if this sign is real, doubts settled yet.
When do we speak of a lack of rules?
For a healthy woman and having a regular cycle, the lack of rules is easily recognized and is the first sign announcing a pregnancy.
By cons, for a woman with an irregular cycle, it is often difficult to be certain, it will have to wait a few days.
What is the mechanism?
During a menstrual cycle, in the absence of sexual intercourse and fertilization, the egg released degrades and becomes the corpus luteum, then dropped with the endometrium.
If sex in fertile period, the egg is fertilized. The endometrium does not fall and is ready to receive the embryo. This explains the absence of rules, the first sign of an early pregnancy.
Reliable or not?
The delay of the rules is not always a sign of pregnancy. There are other factors that could cause or induce. In a well-regulated, with no notion of contraception, of childbearing age and in the absence of any sexual fertile period in women, a missed period may be due to:
- A stress or excessive emotion
- Anorexia with weight loss
- Excessive sports
- A psychological problem
- A hormone disorder
- A recent decision of contraception.
In all these cases, the delay or absence of rules is often transient and is rather a malfunction of the body, having an impact on health.
Breast tenderness
Painful and heavy breasts usually appear a few days before menstruation. And this sign remains when the woman is pregnant.
From the first days of pregnancy, the breasts are tender, swollen and bulky. Some women have tingling or itching.
Nipples are swollen, hard and become darker and darker. The areola has small swellings called Montgomery's tubercles.
This transformation is secondary to hormonal actions, including estrogen. These hormones cause the development of mammary glands, which are already preparing for milk production.
These changes in the breast usually appear during the first trimester of pregnancy. In some women, they persist throughout the duration of the pregnancy.
But there are other causes that can cause changes in breast:
- Contraception
- The end-of-period (menstruation approach)
- A drug taken long
- Clothes that are too tight (bra)
- An infection (mastitis) or a tumor (cancer)
Digestive disorders
Digestive disorders are usually harmless and will disappear after the first quarter.
Nausea usually appear in early pregnancy, at the end of the first month. Today, the explanations are still unclear on the occurrence of these disorders. Nausea are functional, and would be a reflex adaptation to excess sex hormones. Generally, digestive problems disappear at the 12th week of gestation.
Vomiting are rare but can be serious in terms of its abundance. Medical treatment may be necessary in case of vomiting.
There are other gastrointestinal symptoms that can alert as:
- The bitterness in the stomach associated with hyper salivation, which often disappears early in the second trimester of pregnancy. Products with mint are advised to address this phenomenon.
- A change of taste: a distaste for certain foods, or rather a craving for some dishes
- Nausea in the presence of certain odors
- The appetite is generally increased
- Sometimes, bloating or constipation: the transit problems are secondary to the disruption caused by progesterone.
How to combat the discomfort of awakening?
Some tips to help you get up on the right foot, without nausea or vomiting:
- Have breakfast in bed before getting up (or eat a little before getting up)
- Eat a small amount, but increase the number of meals taken. The stomach is more tolerant of small meals to avoid an empty stomach as well as snacks
- Avoid smells, foods or products that may trigger nausea and vomiting.
Sleep disorders
A pregnant woman often has a sleepless night, offset by daytime sleepiness. This phenomenon is explained by the action of progesterone, which has a sedative and calming effect. Fatigue in pregnant women is often linked to sleep disorders and hormonal effect.
An irritated bladder
Frequent need to urinate are also signs of pregnancy. Generally, this sign is present throughout the pregnancy period.
In early pregnancy, kidney function is increased, the bladder fills up quickly and then become frequent urination.
During pregnancy, the uterus gradually increases in volume and puts pressure on surrounding organs (urinary tract). In addition, estrogen secreted cause relaxation of tissues and muscles. This results in hypertension urinary organs causing a frequent urge to urinate.
Other signs
There are other signs that may go unnoticed, such as:
- The mood swings, irritability, poor control of emotions. These signs are due to hormonal changes or psychological changes but may be secondary to iron deficiency.
- Vertigo, dizziness are secondary to a fall in blood pressure. It is advisable to take hot showers alternating with cold showers, perform morning walks and adopt a balanced diet.
- A certain gene or pulling sensation in the groin is due to the action of releasing the ligaments by estrogen.

Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →