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Access to Care: deterioration of medical care in adulthood

During the transition from adolescence to adulthood, health becomes more fragile and access to care decreases, U.S. researchers warn.
Dr. Kathleen Harris, University of North Carolina and his colleagues used data on 14,000 young American people interviewed between their 12 and 19 years and between their 19 and 26 years as part of an investigation national. The scientists monitored 20 indicators of good health.
Their purpose? Be aware of what happens to the health of adolescents when they leave the house and enter adulthood.
According to Dr. Harris, the study "is the first of its kind because we followed the same individuals over time, observing their behavior changes."
During the transition to adulthood, on average 15 of the 20 indicators of good health worse: food becomes less balanced, time spent in sport decreases, and access to care. Meanwhile, the consumption of tobacco, alcohol or drugs tends to increase.
"This is the age at which young people are experimenting with new ways of living and new behaviors and when they leave home, they are more free to do so," says Dr. Harris, noting that most of the results obtained were "expected".
"We expect that these trends will fade when engaged in trades and more stable unions".
However, for scientific, some of the results "are really alarming," including the tendency to stop exercising.

"The transition to adulthood is a time of vulnerability and has very important implications for health," according to Dr. Harris.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →