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Alcohol and pregnancy: the path

The attitude of the speaker towards the women ' alcohol has changed positively through awareness campaigns and the media, and the decree mandating labeling bottles warning about the lack of need for alcohol the pregnancy is finally released, welcomed Professor Damien Subtil (Lille), during a press conference on the sidelines of the CNGOF (French National College of obstetricians) National Days.

"Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is observed for about 1/200 births, resulting in long-term consequences for children touched alcohol revealing nerve during pregnancy and liability outside neurological abnormalities, a dysmorphia , a stunted and malformed. The IQ of children victims of FAS may be less than 70 from consumption of 6 glasses a day by pregnant women, 70 is considered the threshold of retardation "recalls Professor Subtle. 

The CNGOF therefore requested the Government to inform women about the toxic nature of alcohol to children's brains, and that is put in place a labeling of all alcoholic beverages. This project was supported by Anne-Marie Payet, Senator of the meeting and the North Pas de Calais and Normandy, particularly affected by FAS, says gynecologist."However, it was shaped into refined by Senators wine regions ". Faced with such opposition, the CNGOF reacted strongly with a strong affirmation "it was impossible to give such a measure" and continuing its lobbying government and alcohol producers, he recounts. 

"A magistrate Lille, Titran Benedict, son of the pediatrician who treated many children with FAS, resulted in the prosecution of Lille opens proceedings on the risks of alcohol to the fetus. Minister Health Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy said he wanted a labeling bottles of alcohol for pregnant women and is committed to legislate, while organizing a prevention campaign for this target. " 

"After 15 years of struggle, much debate and repeated pressure from the Department CNGOF and alcohol producers, a decree seems finally mandating the presence of bottles of alcohol, a health message on a contrasting background and indelible, clearly legible and understandable by all, within a maximum period of one year 'zero alcohol during pregnancy ", and informs Dr. Subtle. 

According to him, since August 2004, the awareness of women became effective, 82% of pregnant women reported knowing that he should not drink alcohol during pregnancy. "Since then, the percentage has been increasing," said the specialist. 

In France, nearly 7,000 children (or 1% of the child population) are FAS, a third has serious consequences that can be observed from a daily consumption of more than two drinks.


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Author: Mohammad
Mohammad is the founder of STC Network which offers Web Services and Online Business Solutions to clients around the globe. Read More →